been a bit busy with other projects, but I finally found some time and motivation to draw these guys!
The Man from … well, *his* Uncle Anyway

Post type for Comics
been a bit busy with other projects, but I finally found some time and motivation to draw these guys!
Took a couple tries with the perspective grid to get something that worked the way I wanted. Enjoy!
This is actually the first comic where I tried specifying colors in CMYK. the CMYK color picker in Clip Studio is kind of baffling. You can use the HSL hue plane, and it will find a corresponding CMYK value, but it will only display the CMYK color if you jiggle the CMYK sliders. This set…Read more
Hey. it’s been a while! Time to move this chapter forward. Darya, who are you working for, anyway??
I’ve tried a different approach with the shading in this and the previous page. let me know if you like/dislike. I’m sort of torn, myself.
Tried a different approach coloring this one: a gradient map of violet, which I then erased from for the highlights.
Fussed with the colors a lot on this one. Keep your eye on this samoyed… not sure what his deal is🤔
What do you think – did Rudek and Malutki pass this fellow’s test?
Sorry for the long, unplanned hiatus. I got a little snowed under while fulfilling the Kickstarter, and sidetracked with another project. Eager to get back on track with the webcomic! Tried a couple new things here: the tram in the last panel pops out of the frame and goes full bleed.. which might come back…Read more
This spy business really requires you to go with your gut. Or was it carefully analyze everything?