This double-length comic took a long time to draw, mainly because I wanted to establish the snowy background as realistically as I could. Narrative-wise, it was important to me that Rudek encounter Skorzany in a kind of liminal space (ask your English Major friends), which the wild and windy snowstorm is supposed to create here. Reconnecting with his former adjutant is going to force Rudek to make a big decision…
Wow. That is a really awesome job. I could feel the snowstorm. And the flashback gave a very realistic sense of the shock that he felt. Nicely done, sir.
Sir, your historically warming, colorful panels are bastions of class in a dreary landscape of what some choose to call “artwork”. I salute you, your attention to detail and your treatment of a sensitive psychological condition suffered by far too many good people. You are a master.
Very kind of you ^ᴥ^
Would that be this fellow:ózef_Haller or his brother Stanisław?
Yes, Józef. Rudek enlisted in the Blue Army just in time to be shipped to Galicja in what is now the Ukraine… :)
Where the Poles actually tangled with the Czechoslovaks … not for the last time. Czech Polish fights were always tragically foolish, and I’m glad the Poles won there, which, contrary to their reputation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the West, they were the ones saving beleaguered villages and neighborhoods full of Jews.
I’ve just read it all.
This is definitely shaping up to be one of my favorite webcomics, great work.
Thanks for reading :)