Moving On

Szpadel knew something was up… And knows not to press for more information. And Rudek knows a buddy like Szpadel, who helps you stay sane, deserves a proper goodbye.


Well, friends, it’s been a journey of about six years, but this marks the end of Chapter 2… What’s next? Stay tuned!

Rudek and Malutki are off to Minsk to study the art of Espionage!

And I’ll soon have an exciting announcement to share!!

4 throughts on "Moving On"

  1. I’m glad he took the chance to say goodbye to Szpadel. I hope someday Rudek runs into him (and Nina) again. By which time Zadziorny is the new sierzant.

  2. Sir, your work continues to be my favorite graphic historical strip. Kudos to you, and I shall continue to look forward to our friend Rudek and his companions. Those of us old souls who served recognize each of your characters, so well are they presented.

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