“The Riven World,” Part 6

Two foxes have made two very different choices about what their uniforms mean, what their role is among the Galician jews… This concludes the flashback sequence. Any questions you have about the fate of Zeftel or Sierżant Wiater, well… all I can say is keep reading this webcomic.


The other day I went on an art supply spree, and bought myself a set of gouache paints. I’ve never in my life painted with gouache before, but have seen artists do wonderful things with it. Of course you can see the inexpertness of a newbie in the painting. But my whole goal with this webcomic has always been to experiment and push myself out of my comfort zone. With gouache, I see a lot of potential for the type of color control I want. So I aim to keep tinkering with it.

7 throughts on "“The Riven World,” Part 6"

  1. Considering the quality of your art thus far, you pushing yourself to new heights would look like Rembrandt doing a web comic.

  2. Once again you have proven yourself an ace among illustrators, Peter. I commend you and always look forward to your work. Stay safe in this contentious time, sir.

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