Budget Presentation

The art process on this one was a bit different. Like usual, I sketched the panel layouts digitally. But instead of also inking digitally, I decided to try traditional pencils. One reason was to try out my new Huion light pad. Let me tell you–I had put off even thinking about buying a light box, because in my mind, they were what they were 20 years ago–a bulky box that took up an entire desk and had lightbulbs in it.

So anyway, I got a light pad for Christmas. I printed out the digital sketch, and used the light pad to trace over it in pencils. Then I used a softer pencil to shade. After scanning the pencils in, I adjusted the levels to darken up the linework, and tried out a different approach to coloring. In the last two panels, you can see the effect.

7 throughts on "Budget Presentation"

  1. I’d love to see it, but something about the new layout is acting up–none of the comics display on Firefox or IE. Other images (like from the reveiw of Tooth and Claw and the like) do, but not the comic. Checked with a friend, he couldn’t see it on Chrome. Anything I might be doing wrong?

    1. Hey–yeah, sorry, there was an issue with the new theme, but now it’s resolved. Thanks for checking out the site!

  2. “So anyway, I got a light pad for Christmas. I printed out the digital sketch, and used the light pad to trace over it in pencils. Then I used a softer pencil to shade. After scanning the pencils in, I adjusted the levels to darken up the linework, and tried out a different approach to coloring. In the last two panels, you can see the effect.”

    That’s an interesting approach. So there wasn’t any inking (digital or traditional) involved on Zadziorny’s outline? It looks kinda different from Kowak’s and Bzik’s.

    1. Right, all pencils. It looks a little different because I went over Zadziorny’s outlines more heavily. The last two panels are more complex, so it seemed like a good idea, design-wise.

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