
Background Art: Electronic Compositing

Haha. “Electronic Compositing.” That’s probably what someone might call this process 40 or 50 years ago. And in fact, the style of background art I am emulating is from the 1960s. But anyway, I haven’t posted a post on my workflow experiments in a while. So, I thought I’d reflect on the background art from…Read more

Commitment to Reference Materials

The Limitations of Google Image Search For a while I’ve been doing what I imagine most people do, and what some professional comics artists even encourage. That is, I’ve been using Google Image search to find reference materials. And for a long while I felt there was nothing wrong with this. It was fast and…Read more

Designing a Character (VIDEO)

This is a few minutes of highlights from a live video stream I did. I talk through a few of the problems I encounter while designing a new character for the Rudek and the Bear webcomic. She’ll appear in the comic soon!

Page Layouts are Half Complete!

Progress with page layouts is going well. I’m now at the halfway point! Sort of by accident, these tiny drawings–each page is about 2″ x 3.5″–are becoming pretty detailed and elaborate. I just got really into the process of composing the pages as schemes of values.  

A Digital Art Workflow Attempt

I have lots of ideas about how I might create the art for Żużel and the Fox. But until I actually try some things out, I won’t know what’s feasible. Or what results in an aesthetically pleasing result. One thing I really wanted to try was using Google SketchUp as an aid to keeping my backdrops consistent. That…Read more

Photoshop Actions

I did some figure-drawing today, but mostly I worked to increase my Photoshop know-how. I learned how to write Photoshop actions. For a first go at it, I wrote an action that takes artwork from its scanned state (inks over non-repro blue lines) to a state where it’s ready to be colored and shaded. The action sets…Read more