I think this moment of parting kinda sums up their relationship :)
Also, woah! Check out Malutki in “western costume.” Can’t be bumming around in Belarusian peasant garb if he’s off to spy school!
I also tried a couple new things with colors and the approach to the background. In the middle three panels, I didn’t want distracting background elements, but I also wanted to stay grounded in the setting–the muddy street in Stołpce. So I thought, what the heck, I’d try some quick-and-dirty expressionism.
As always, many enthusiastic thanks for reading my comics. If you’d like to throw some financial support behind my efforts, check out my buymeacoffee page. Cheers!
Wow. The strip is really taking a left-hand turn now. Does this mean we’ve seen the last of Szpadel, Nina, Zadziorny, and the rest of the border guards? With Rudek being drummed out, is Kowak going to get that promotion he so desperately wants, and so much doesn’t deserve? I CAN’T believe that we’re seeing the last of Masha. I love the idea of her becoming a schoolteacher. (I’d love to see how she teaches economics!)
I also foresee some story development in the direction of Zuzel, even if she’s only about four years old at present.
I like the backgrounds in this strip. I’m impressed that you kept the details of the Stolpce consistent from the different angles.
Thanks as always for your comment! I don’t know if we’ll never see the rest of the KOP crew again, but I don’t have immediate plans for them. As for Masha, I think she’ll find herself back in the storyline at some point in the next chapter :) I’ve long been kicking around doing a webcomic of Zuzel’s childhood adventures on the streets of Danzig, but that probably won’t happen soon, as I’ll first focus on the main graphic novel!