Attention recruits! This is your orientation session for Rudek and the Bear, a webcomic I’ve been publishing on and off since 2013!
As a prelude to my graphic novel in progress, this webcomic chronicles the shenanigans surrounding a company of soldiers in the Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza–the Border Protection Corps of the Second Polish Republic–in the years 1929-1930. Rudek, a malcontent Polish soldier, meets a Belarusian smuggler named Malutki, and they form an unlikely friendship. Hijinks, as they say, ensue.
In chapter 3, the setting shifts to Minsk, where Rudek and Malutki enter the shadowy world of espionage…
Click to learn about the various KOP officers and smugglers who populate the webcomic!

The Story So Far
Chapter 1

Early Comics
In the early strips, I develop the art style and establish the main cast. The characters engage in comic-strip style tomfoolery.

The Plot Begins
As the comic evolved, it began following a story arc. This link will take you to a good starting place.

Rudek and the Bear: Volume I collects the first 50 comics, and comes with extra features! This limited clothbound edition is not currently available through the website, but you can still purchase a lovely paperback version!
Chapter 2

The Plot Thickens
Jealous rivals scheme, three toughs move in on Masha’s territory, and Rudek suffers flashbacks…
Collected as “Volume 2,” this part of the story is available in a fancy clothbound edition with fun extras!
Chapter 3

Undercover in Minsk
Rudek and Malutki report for spy training, and navigate the perils of living undercover in the Soviet Union…
More to come!
What does the future hold for Rudek and Malutki? Stay tuned!
Other storylines are planned, including of course, the graphic novel, Żużel and the Fox!